Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Teddy Travels to Fort Myers Florida!

I traveled with Lisa all the way from Carbondale, IL to Fort Myers, FL.  That is a total of 1029.39 miles and a 17 hour drive!  We traveled through many states to get to our destination.  The first state we traveled through was Kentucky.  Here was were we started seeing Waffle Houses at almost every stop.  It must be a southern thing.  Next we traveled to Tennessee.  Here we decided to stop and eat lunch in the famous city of Nashville.  I found out Nashville is the home of country music.  Next we traveled through Georgia.  Here we decided that we should take a break and spend the night in Macon, Georgia.  After spending the night, we continued our road trip all the way to Fort Myers, FL. It was almost another full day of traveling in the car.

Once we arrived in Fort Myers, the weather was beautiful and I finally felt like I could relax and let loose like dogs do after being cooped up in a car for 17 hours.  Throughout my whole time in Ft. Myers, we went to the beach, played outside, and did many other fun things.  At the beach I was able to run around and go in the water and play catch.  This was a very enjoyable time. I also got to relax by the pool with my family.  You can see me by the pool in the photo!

Unfortunately our vacation had to come to an end and we had to take the trip all the way back to Carbondale, IL.  It was another 17 hours in the car with the Fluga family.  We decided to stay overnight in Chattanooga, TN. This way it was only a short ride back to Illinois the next day.  Overall, I had a great time on my trip to Ft. Myers and I would recommend the beach to any dog out there!

Miles from Carbondale to Ft. Myers Roundtrip = 2,058.78 miles.
Total miles of Teddy's Adventure so far = 5,084.42

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