I enjoyed traveling to Herrin so much with Sierra, I was excited to go back with Tiffani and see what else Herrin has to offer! We left the Wham Education Building on Tuesday, April 22nd and headed over to learn about the Coal Miner's Memorial. Little did I know we were going to pick up two little girls on our way there! They were SOO excited to see me, they wouldn't let me out of their hands!! I did get to run around a little bit and explore all of the names of the coal miner's. Here's some history I learned about the coal miners and the memorial:
In the late eighteen hundreds there were several mines in the locale that accounted for the livelihood of the residents. There were many thriving communities that were totally dependent on the mines. Now there is a Memorial to honor all miners. The monument depicts a miner returning home, being greeted by his small son, after a day in the pits. Dedicated on October 14th 2000, the Coal Miners Memorial is a tribute to all Southern Illinois coal miners of the past century. The inscription at the base of the statue reads, “In memory of coal miners who gave so much that future generations may benefit with a better life. They labored, served their country, sacrificed for their families and some lost their lives. We honor and salute them so that they will never be forgotten.”
Total Miles: 6,061.73
This is a great article with fantastic photos.
Memorial Signs